E-Tech full hybrid - how does it work - Renault
the principle behind E-Tech hybrid technology
Renault made the choice to develop 2 types of technology: E-Tech full hybrid, for vehicles that do not need to be plugged in, and E-Tech plug-in hybrid*, for vehicles that can be plugged in. Both options offer environmentally-friendly vehicles that are cost-effective, combining driving pleasure and everyday simplicity. 

They operate in the same way, with only 2 differences:
  • the size of the battery, and therefore the capacity to drive electric,
  • E-Tech plug-in hybrid vehicles can connect to the mains to charge.*

*E-Tech plug-in hybrid not available in Ireland

our hybrid powertrains

They are called “series-parallel hybrids” because they offer the option of operating as electric, as a hybrid (electric + combustion engine) or with the combustion engine alone.

They have 2 electric motors as well. as a combustion engine.

The innovative technologies integrated into the car (smart gearbox, energy management system, regenerative braking) make it possible to switch between the different powertrains or to operate them simultaneously when necessary. This helps to optimise the vehicle’s performance and consumption. 

E-Tech powertrains offer excellent acceleration, dynamic pick-up, and reduced CO2  emissions and fuel consumption.

the different modes of traction

A hybrid engine is made up of 2 main motors that alternate or operate simultaneously to power the vehicle. Find out about the different modes of traction:
electric traction
At start-up, only the electric motor drives the wheels, therefore no fuel is consumed. Start up silently and drive up to 130 kph for up to 5 minutes using only electric power, depending on your driving style and the model*. 

* Austral E-Tech full hybrid 200
hybrid traction
This mode involves the simultaneous use of two power sources to drive the vehicle.
For dynamic driving, the petrol engine backs up the electric motor to maintain performance. The two motors work together to increase the power of your car. This is what is known as parallel hybrid operation.
In some cases, when the battery level is low, the 2 motors operate at the same time, but only the electric motor drives the wheels. In this specific case, the electronic management activates the internal combustion engine to optimise the overall consumption and to recharge the battery. This is what is known as series hybrid operation.
combustion engine traction
When just the combustion engine is running, it is used at its optimal speed, to drive the vehicle’s wheels and to recharge the battery. The vehicle’s overall consumption is optimised and the additional energy is stored to help resume electric driving.
from one mode of traction to another

You can switch from one traction mode to another in two ways:
  • automatically, using the onboard electronic management system. This system analyses the battery charge level, the demand for acceleration and the type of road, and adapts the traction mode accordingly, which helps to optimise the vehicle’s performance.

managing charging

E-Tech full hybrid - battery  - Renault
the battery in full hybrid vehicles
charges only when you are driving, using kinetic energy. These vehicles do not need to be plugged in, as they have a system that recovers energy when you brake or decelerate. This is enough to completely recharge the battery.

the Renault E-Tech full hybrid range

your questions on how hybrid cars work

The vehicle manages switching between the electric, hybrid and combustion traction automatically using an electronic system. It takes three criteria into account, to offer the best compromise between performance and consumption:
  • the demand for acceleration from the pedal;
  • the profile of the road on which you are driving;
  • the battery charge level.
 Essentially, during start-up, during steady driving and normal acceleration, a hybrid vehicle mostly uses the electric motor. When you push down harder on the accelerator, when the nature of the terrain requires more power (e.g. for a steep climb) or when the battery is not sufficiently charged, the vehicle engages the combustion engine. Depending on the case, the combustion engine will complement the electric motor (hybrid traction) or replace it entirely (combustion engine traction).
No, it’s not possible.
A hybrid car continues to drive, even when the traction battery is depleted, by using the combustion engine. However, the opposite is not true: the hybrid and electric traction modes are there to operate alternately with the combustion mode, but not to replace it entirely. If a hybrid car has run out of petrol, the other modes of traction can only take over briefly before the car stops.
The electric battery is not always used, as the vehicle also operates using the combustion engine. The wear on the battery is therefore gradual and does not provoke a sufficient loss of capacity to prevent the vehicle from operating.
Moreover, if the vehicle is protected from extreme temperatures, particularly the cold, it can last for a hybrid vehicle’s entire life span.
The battery in a Renault hybrid vehicle is guaranteed for 8 years or 160,000 km.

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